We are creatures who spend about a third of our time sleeping. We’ve discussed here the importance of sleeping on a good mattress. Good pillows are essential to the sleep experience as well. Pillows should provide more than a soft spot for your head. They should cradle your neck and support your head (which weighs around 10 pounds!). If you sleep on an inadequate pillow, especially a lumpy one, you’re likely to wake up with neck pain, a headache or even numbness in your upper limbs.

A proper pillow will let your neck (technically, the cervical spine) align with the chest and lower back (respectively, the thoracic and lumbar spines). When you lie on your side, your head and neck should stay at the same level as your mid- and lower spine. When on your back, your head and neck should stay level with your upper back and spine. Your pillow should not cause your head and neck to be propped up or angled away from your body. Stay away from pillows made of foam that is too soft. Choose firmer, more supportive materials.

If you find yourself sleeping with a hand propped under your pillow, you may not be getting the support you need from your pillow. If you think you have the proper mattress and pillows and you continue to experience pain at night or have trouble sleeping, see your chiropractor. There may be another problem that’s interfering with a satisfying night’s sleep.