It can take weeks to fully recover from the damage done by a twisted ankle. A twisted ankle, whether you’ve rolled it in or out, is a painful injury. Ligaments that tear in the initial injury rarely repair satisfactorily; they often generate scar tissue, which is not flexible. Therefore, the likelihood of future instability and injury is increased.

Repeated injury to an ankle will eventually cause problems in the joints above, namely the knees, hips and spine. When a person is compensating for the pain of a twisted ankle, he or she walks differently. This forces other joints to act unnaturally. That can lead to misalignment. This is where chiropractic treatment can be helpful. A chiropractor will study your case history and can recommend and implement a regimen of treatment to prevent whatever problems you’ve developed from becoming chronic conditions.

A chiropractor also can help you minimize the likelihood of twisting an ankle in the first place. If you have a common foot condition like pronation (the foot rolls too far inward) or supination (the foot rolls too far outward), your chiropractor can help you address this. If the condition is caused by a mechanical or muscle imbalance, the chiropractor is also trained to deal with that.