Increasing aches and pains are, alas, a natural part of the aging process. Decreased flexibility, range of motion and problems with balance often come with the territory. But you don’t have to resign yourself to suffering with them. Regular chiropractic treatment can offset the advance of some of these problems.

Some of the aches and pains of old age could be related to misalignments in the vertebrae (the individual bones that make up the spine). The spinal cord travels through the vertebrae, and nerves that run to every part of the body emanate between the vertebrae, carrying signals back and forth between the brain and the body. If a misaligned vertebra is interfering with the operation of a nerve, it will cause a problem.

A chiropractic adjustment of the spine may be the corrective measure you need. Chiropractic treatment can also help with flexibility and range of motion. Treatment, along with the exercise regimen a chiropractor sets up for you, can help keep your back and joints limber. And that means more days—and years—you’ll have to pursue your passions, whether they include gardening or playing with the grandchildren. Increased flexibility also lessens the likelihood of falling, a leading cause of injury for the elderly. Talk with your chiropractor about steps you can take.