Your vertebrae are the two dozen or so bones that make up the spine. Between each of those bones, cushioning the spine during the daily stress of life, are gelatinous shock absorbers called ‘discs.’ The disc has a tough outer material called the annulus fibrosis which protects the soft interior gel-like substance that is called the nucleus pulpous. Whether through the trauma of an injury, or regular wear and tear, discs can become damaged. In some cases, the tough outer substance can tear and the soft interior material can leak out, a condition called herniation.

When people talk about back pain, the term “slipped disc” will often come up. It generally refers to a disc that is ruptured or herniated. It can be a very painful experience and can feel as though a disc has “slipped” out of position. If the nucleus pushes against a weakened, but not torn, annulus, the condition is called a bulging disc.

It is often incorrectly assumed that the only treatment for back pain is surgery and/or prescription medicine. But it’s been shown time and time again that chiropractic treatment is effective in alleviating lower back pain. If you, like millions of Americans, suffer with lower back pain, talk with a chiropractor to see what your options are.      

Presented as a service to the community by Dr. Jeff